Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Here is some of the pondering thoughts for exporting and Importing options provided in CRM2011.

Concept of Solution in 2011:
Think of this way, a Solution is a container for the following items:
1. Custom Entities
2. Plugins
3. Customizations
4. Web Resources (May be Images, JavaScript files etc...)

There are two types of solution:
• Managed Solution :(This is locked and does not allow you to change.
Used only at the time of final deployment)
• Unmanaged Solution :(You can think of a pointer, when a change happens
to one of the entity in one of the solution, the other
solution using the same entity will also get affected)

Characteristics of a solution:
1. Publisher: Each solution is associated with a publisher
2. Version Number : very important in installing and uninstalling process
3. Unique Prefix : just like New in CRM 4.0
4. Solutions are unmanaged by default

Differences between Managed and Un Managed Solutions:
Unmanaged Solution
1. Container that holds references to the components.
2. Multiple solutions can reference same components.
3. Solutions are unmanaged by Default.
4. When Solution deleted only the solution ref from the database gets deleted and will not affect the changes done in any of the customizations/Plugins/web Resources.
5. Cannot be uninstalled.

Managed Solution
1. Designed for final distribution
2. Must be exported as managed
3. Cannot be modified and cannot be exported
4. When Solution Deleted, Entities/Components/web Resources and related data gets deleted permanently.
5. Can be uninstalled
6. Changes performed by the solutions are undone

Possible Scenarios of Import and Export process:
Scenario 1: New Deployment: Version
1. Export as a managed solution
2. Publish before you export your managed solution
3. Also, possible to export the system settings like Auto numbers, ISV…
4. Create a backup of Customization
5. From the Target Organization Import the Managed Solution.
a. This takes care of registering the plugins by choosing an option while
b. This takes care publishing too, meaning once imported it automatically be
6. Import would not succeed for managed solution from where it has been created.

Scenario 2: Update/Upgrade to a new version of deployment: Version (SAME Solution name and same Publisher)
1. Once done with the changes to any of the components in the solution,
2. Follow the same steps explained in the Version, and keep in mind to change the Version Number to Version
3. Once you Import your managed solution from the Target organization the process is quite intelligent in identifying your Solution upgrade version by the solution name.

Scenario 3: Patch version of deployment: Version (DIFFERENT Solution
name and same Publisher).
1. Create a solution with a different name
2. Add the components on which the changes are required
3. Associate the Same Publisher
4. Follow a different versioning format like Version
5. Follow the same steps explained in Version

Uninstalling Option:
1. Deleting the managed Solution from the target organization would basically uninstall the selected solution.
2. Let’s say if we have followed a few iterations, for example if we have already reached a Version starting from Version in order to rollback to Version we just need to go follow the same Import process and choose the Version while importing. This would basically bring back the changes to the Version